Sunday, June 15, 2008


Well, as I was going out of my bedroom heading toward the kitchen, imagine seeing a cat just laying down peacefully one the floor. I got quite a shocked. Wahaha...

Then, I told my sis [Who is a cat fanatic] and she rushed put of her bedroom as fast a lightning .lol.
We then gave this cutie some warm milk, and of course i could not miss the opputanity to take some pictures. Haha.. Then sadly , we had to bring it out from our house ... =( Oh well,,, it was a interesting Sunday afternoon for me.... Last but not least, here are the pics.. ;)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Price hike! Are we Doomed?

[Ringgit Malaysia]RM2.704. That's the new petrol price for 1 litre. A whooping 41% increase. Most, if not all, of the citizens are complaining about the so-called crazy, stupid, oh-my-god change. Even with all the complaning (and the recent rally) this change is going to stay, unfortunately. So, as to cope with abomination, we have to adjust our lifestyle to adapt ourselves and avoid financial difficulties.

As i have only SO much knowledge and wisdom, I can only give a few (and maybe significant) tips.
  1. 1. Use the bicycle more often for short distances - I don't know why but Malaysians don't really like to ride the bicylce. Maybe its because of the heat... hmm...
  2. 2. Use petrol efficiently - Example : Do all your errands in 1 trip, as in when you're out from the house, go to supermarket, go to the bank, pay your saman, etc, BEFORE retuning to your house.
  3. 3. If you're planning to get a car, buy a more economical car. Buying a Mercedes or BMW might get you the chicks[or hunks] NOW, but you will certainly get a bigger hole in your pockets in the long-run.
Well, hope you can plan and decide wisely. Ta-Ta