After months of being inactive, I have finally found an interesting event in my life to blog about. And it is about................ 17/09/1009 to 18/09/2009.
Well, it was starting to be a regular, normal, average day. I woke at about 8.00 am, walked around for awhile and washed up, changed and ran to catch the ever-unpredictable bus.
I reached INTEC as normal I as I can be. Met up with my teammates for the Calculus Presentation, discussed a little here and there. I would have to say I did pretty good for my Calculus Presentation though I stumbled numerous. I would have to definitely work on that. Anyway, after that, Puan Ruzela, the Calculus lecturer, gave us back our Calculus Test 2 papers. I wasn't really happy with my results; nonetheless, I thanked god and accept my fate. Hopefully, luck will be on my side for the ever looming Test 3. But, of course, enough about Calculus. Let us move on, shall we?
So, after Calculus class, everyone seem to rush like bees to the OSSP where the discussion of universities choices were super hot. "Where are you applying?" , "That universities good meh?" , "Why are you applying there?". Those are some of the questions that I was asking 'cause I have no idea where to apply to. Hmm..... Choosing 3 is difficult and I'm not sure. I know I can just "tembak" any 3 universities that pretty good and think about better ones later, but I'm not sure why I just can't do that. Something is telling to think properly to make this decision.
So after a mini trip to OSSP, I made my way to the BENCH. There, I met Yin Peng. I randomly asked for some suggestions to universities. Ok-lah, I thought. More choices for me to ponder about. It was about 1.00pm. Yin Peng, then, she said she was going out with her friends. She then invited me. Ok, I replied. This should be interesting, I thought. She said to wait for her friends first. Unfortunately, when her friends arrived, I was abandoned because of unknown reasons. But the thing is, to be honest, I really did not really care, 'cause I was kinda expecting that to happen anytime soon. ( I guess it is from past experiences and observations).
So, there I sat on the bench, alone................... Just the way I like it. He he.
Sometime after that, I was chatting some other friends. And, damn, I was like tempted to masturbate because of 'them'. Ok..ok.. lets skip this part... Moving on-
Then at about 5pm, I met Khairul. He said he was going to KL. "You wanna come?", he said. I nodded. And off we went to KL. Before we departed, Khairul said that Sir Ikhwan will be joining as well.
After picking up Mr. Ikhwan, the 3 of us went to the Komuter station, took the KTM to Bank Negara station. Took about 1 hour +. Khairul thought we would have time before 'buka puasa' to shop a little. But because of the unreliable service of the KTM (delays, delays and more delays) we had no choice but to 'buka puasa' first.
YaY. Mr Ikhwan said we go to Old Town White Coffee to break our fast. I was elated. Cool weh. Food was great, man. Got to screw Dawood one.more.time. Hoorah! Also, Mr Ikhwan kindly 'belanja-ed' us. WOW! thanks, sir.
Later, the 3 of us walked through the thunderstorm to SOGO KL. There, I did a little window shopping while accompanying Khairul to buy some clothes for the approaching Eid. I actually found a superb pair of trousers. Damn funky! Unfortunately......*sniff*..... the waist size was enormously gargantuan for me. Had to let go that awesome pair of pants. Nooooo....................
After SOGO, the 3 of us that headed for Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman (Jalan TAR) was even more Raya shopping. Wow, prices were dirt cheap and also ... for some stalls weird. For example, at one stall, 1 kain samping is RM 45, but for 2 kain samping, the price is RM50. So, its like a marketing strategy. LOL.
Saw many interesting and cool stuff I never knew existed. For example, I just found that there is such a thing as LED watches. These watched requires the user to press a button in order for the LED to light and subsequently telling the time. Another item was the portable sewing machine. Is design is just like a stapler. Woah, I thought.
And Oh my god! The amount of people was incredible. But i guess this is normal since this is the Raya shopping season. Everything is on SALE. Everyone is in the buying mood. Everyone is on a shopping spree.
After all of this, the watch showed exactly 10.00 pm. Time to head home, said Mr Ikhwan. I understood since the last KTM train is 11.00pm. More delays at the KTM station. This time it was the ticketing machine. Some people were having troubles with their notes and whatnot. Really unbelievable. The only thing i seriously hate about the KTM system is the damn machine. I mean, I always think thrice before I decide to use the machine to buy the train tickets. It is so troublesome as it ALMOST never accepts notes and sometimes it will spit the coins inserted into it. Sometimes it'll take about half an hour just buy one measly ticket. What a eye soar, really.
Thankfully, the ticketing machine was a little kind to use this night. We put a RM 10 note and after 3 tries, it was accepted. Whew, I thought.
More waiting, as usual. The train finally arrive, boarded it and waited to go back to Shah Alam.
What a day, I must say. I guess the cliche` conclusion applies here - I was tired but happy, thought I would not use the term happy but rather the term intrigued. I got to explore a new region and learn a couple of things. Yeah, intrigue is the right word.