Well, I had the oppurtanity to attend the 2008 Petronas Educamp on the 20th to the 21st of April.
The venue was at Thronoh, Ipoh, Perak. It was at the University Teknologi Petronas (UTP). When I first saw the place, I was amazed. The place is freaking huge to the point that it is advisable to use a scooter or bicycle here...
Moving on...On the first day, at around 8am-10am, you have to register and receive room key. 2 people --> 1 room.
Above is the hostel i stayed at for the Duration of the EduCamp. ^_^
At around 10 am, the shuttle bus arrives to bring us the Chancellor Complex. This building is SUPER AMAZING!!! I wont say more as then it wont be a surprised...( I did not get a chance to get pics of it) Anyway, we went into the Chancellor Hall in the Complex to register officially. You will need all the documents, and then you will receive an Educamp name tag...
After all the participants was seated the hall, ( Parents are allowed to participate at this point also) the ceremony began from 10 -12. Then 12 is lunch. Parents are invited too. The food here is good or maybe above average to some of you.
For the next part of the camp, Parents are required leave the campus. At 2pm participants are required to go to the "Main Hall" for a physiological test. The test is at most 1 hour. After that, there will a short campus tour where participants will be broken into groups according to the chosen course. Soon it will be dinner time. After dinner, there will a 2 hours briefing of following days events.The facilitators will just roughly tell what is going to happen...so and so forth.10.30pm sleep time
Wake up at 6.30am...get ready and wear formal attire. Eat breakfast and by 7.30 wait for the bus to take me to the interview. The interview procress got 2 parts :
- Individual interview
- Group interview
- Introduction - Name, Course chosen, family background, and co-curriculum
- The topic itself - give your points
After interview is lunch. Then is the TESTS time. 3 tests :
- English - Easiest of the 3 - test on basic grammar, nouns, sentence structure
- IQ (A) - quite ok.. still manageable
- IQ (B) - Hardest of all 3, I respect u if you can finish ALL the question in the time. And no "hentaming" or "tikam-tikam"
i have 5mins extra time after finishing my IQ test :P
waaa..I'm quite nervous coz I was chosen to join the 2009 educamp..
was it fun? I hope I'll do well during the interview
So..how's the result?..Did u succeed??...do hope u'll..
wats ur name?? guy or girl???just curious!!
ur educamp is on wat day??? mine is on 15 apr....
i m asking d one who posted d comment on Apr 8 (7.20 pm)!!!
hey rohan..
wat course did u applied?
what type of question in IQ(B)??please give some information pleasee...
rohan ,can u tell me about the IQ (B)question??about what that question??~shila~
Can i ask
is there any science and math test too for your educamp?
just want to know..
are u attend this educamp for foundation or undergraduate course?
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