Monday, November 9, 2009
Finally Back Online...
Anyway, a lot of interesting events has happen in the past 2 weeks. Final exams, going out to Sunway Pyramid, adventuring to Putrajaya, anxiety, stress and of course relieve for finally being able to journey home.
Final exams was on the whole o-Kay... or in other words, doable, I supposed. But... enough 'bout exams... its the holidays. Adventuring to Putrajaya takes the cakes in these 2 weeks. Since it was my 1st time to this planned city, I felt kinda weird being at Putrajaya. I mean, the atmosphere there felt like it wasn't a city nor was it a "ulu" place. Maybe I just felt that Putrajaya was too systematic to be part of Malaysia. Nonetheless, the architecture was fantastic there. Saw some great buildings. There was a mosque build on water! Overall, the journey to Putrajaya can be summed up in one word: disasterrific.
Now I'm back home, try to make full use of my time. Oh ya, and of course, waiting to get my hands on the upcoming Windows 7. Mwuahahaha... Can't wait to get rid of Windows Viscrap.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Finally, I am inspired!
After months of being inactive, I have finally found an interesting event in my life to blog about. And it is about................ 17/09/1009 to 18/09/2009.
Well, it was starting to be a regular, normal, average day. I woke at about 8.00 am, walked around for awhile and washed up, changed and ran to catch the ever-unpredictable bus.
I reached INTEC as normal I as I can be. Met up with my teammates for the Calculus Presentation, discussed a little here and there. I would have to say I did pretty good for my Calculus Presentation though I stumbled numerous. I would have to definitely work on that. Anyway, after that, Puan Ruzela, the Calculus lecturer, gave us back our Calculus Test 2 papers. I wasn't really happy with my results; nonetheless, I thanked god and accept my fate. Hopefully, luck will be on my side for the ever looming Test 3. But, of course, enough about Calculus. Let us move on, shall we?
So, after Calculus class, everyone seem to rush like bees to the OSSP where the discussion of universities choices were super hot. "Where are you applying?" , "That universities good meh?" , "Why are you applying there?". Those are some of the questions that I was asking 'cause I have no idea where to apply to. Hmm..... Choosing 3 is difficult and I'm not sure. I know I can just "tembak" any 3 universities that pretty good and think about better ones later, but I'm not sure why I just can't do that. Something is telling to think properly to make this decision.
So after a mini trip to OSSP, I made my way to the BENCH. There, I met Yin Peng. I randomly asked for some suggestions to universities. Ok-lah, I thought. More choices for me to ponder about. It was about 1.00pm. Yin Peng, then, she said she was going out with her friends. She then invited me. Ok, I replied. This should be interesting, I thought. She said to wait for her friends first. Unfortunately, when her friends arrived, I was abandoned because of unknown reasons. But the thing is, to be honest, I really did not really care, 'cause I was kinda expecting that to happen anytime soon. ( I guess it is from past experiences and observations).
So, there I sat on the bench, alone................... Just the way I like it. He he.
Sometime after that, I was chatting some other friends. And, damn, I was like tempted to masturbate because of 'them'. Ok..ok.. lets skip this part... Moving on-
Then at about 5pm, I met Khairul. He said he was going to KL. "You wanna come?", he said. I nodded. And off we went to KL. Before we departed, Khairul said that Sir Ikhwan will be joining as well.
After picking up Mr. Ikhwan, the 3 of us went to the Komuter station, took the KTM to Bank Negara station. Took about 1 hour +. Khairul thought we would have time before 'buka puasa' to shop a little. But because of the unreliable service of the KTM (delays, delays and more delays) we had no choice but to 'buka puasa' first.
YaY. Mr Ikhwan said we go to Old Town White Coffee to break our fast. I was elated. Cool weh. Food was great, man. Got to screw Dawood one.more.time. Hoorah! Also, Mr Ikhwan kindly 'belanja-ed' us. WOW! thanks, sir.
Later, the 3 of us walked through the thunderstorm to SOGO KL. There, I did a little window shopping while accompanying Khairul to buy some clothes for the approaching Eid. I actually found a superb pair of trousers. Damn funky! Unfortunately......*sniff*..... the waist size was enormously gargantuan for me. Had to let go that awesome pair of pants. Nooooo....................
After SOGO, the 3 of us that headed for Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman (Jalan TAR) was even more Raya shopping. Wow, prices were dirt cheap and also ... for some stalls weird. For example, at one stall, 1 kain samping is RM 45, but for 2 kain samping, the price is RM50. So, its like a marketing strategy. LOL.
Saw many interesting and cool stuff I never knew existed. For example, I just found that there is such a thing as LED watches. These watched requires the user to press a button in order for the LED to light and subsequently telling the time. Another item was the portable sewing machine. Is design is just like a stapler. Woah, I thought.
And Oh my god! The amount of people was incredible. But i guess this is normal since this is the Raya shopping season. Everything is on SALE. Everyone is in the buying mood. Everyone is on a shopping spree.
After all of this, the watch showed exactly 10.00 pm. Time to head home, said Mr Ikhwan. I understood since the last KTM train is 11.00pm. More delays at the KTM station. This time it was the ticketing machine. Some people were having troubles with their notes and whatnot. Really unbelievable. The only thing i seriously hate about the KTM system is the damn machine. I mean, I always think thrice before I decide to use the machine to buy the train tickets. It is so troublesome as it ALMOST never accepts notes and sometimes it will spit the coins inserted into it. Sometimes it'll take about half an hour just buy one measly ticket. What a eye soar, really.
Thankfully, the ticketing machine was a little kind to use this night. We put a RM 10 note and after 3 tries, it was accepted. Whew, I thought.
More waiting, as usual. The train finally arrive, boarded it and waited to go back to Shah Alam.
What a day, I must say. I guess the cliche` conclusion applies here - I was tired but happy, thought I would not use the term happy but rather the term intrigued. I got to explore a new region and learn a couple of things. Yeah, intrigue is the right word.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Piley Pyrus
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Confessions of an Ambivalent Heart
Sunday, June 7, 2009
After educating myself at INTEC for almost a year now, I found out that a few strangers, whom I do not know at all, randomly and suddenly, talking to me. I find very this occurrence "strange".
However, the strangers that do suddenly converse with me are mostly about the same thing : "Why are you studying outside? Isn't it hot? Isn't it uncomfortable?" Well, I can't really give an answer to them, so I just smile and say "Hello there, How do you do? *smiles*"
Even so, there were some stranger(s) who reacted differently. There was this young lady I met just last week. If I'm not mistaken, out conversation was started when she randomly asked whether I was a short-course student. And from there we chatted for quite some time.
Frankly, this is like the first time I could smoothly converse with a girl. I was amazed and freaked out all at the same time. How can a geek like be able to talk to a beautiful girl like that? Does this make sense, at all?! But one thing is for sure. That young lady was definitely a smooth talker. She was definitely an extrovert, no doubt about it.
Unfortunately, that day was the first and last time I saw her.
Maybe randomly talkin' to strangers isn't too strange after all. Heck, I might even find an interesting friend....
**Oh, how I wish I accepted her offer for a ride home that day**
P.S. Should have ask for her contact(s) too!... Darn it....
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Girls should NEVER wear mini skirt...............
Well, after skating at Sunway Pyramid, Subang Jaya, a couple of times, I realized that half the people skating at the ice ring are couples. Not that it makes a difference as to who are there. However, the thing that makes a difference to me is the nano skirts that many girls love to wear when skating at the ice ring.
Why do they wear those mini (or nano), minute and infinitsimal skirts for skating?
Its bloody hell distracting me, man!! Everytime I skate, I am like... forced to see those bare legs. Hey, I'm not complaning. Its like a feast for my eyes. But, the things is, I've fell down a couple of times BECAUSE of those mini skirts. There are freaking distracting me and I really can't do anything about it!
I can't look away because I won't be able to see what or who is infront of me. And I can't control myself even if I wanted to because , curently, all the freaking hormones inside of me are like controlling me, sort of. So, being non-sexual, though possible, is freaking hard with my current state.
To top it off, it would most probably benefit those girls to substitute their mini skirts to .. lets say ...jeans. At least, if they were to accidentally trip and fall, they would not be bruise or injured or whatever.
In conclusion : It'll be a win-win situation if mini skirts were a prohibited clothing in the ice ring. Less trouble for me, less worry for those girls.
Also, I really love skating and would probably hate to bury my desire to skating just because some girls are showing of their bare (but sometimes beautiful : damn hormones *grr*) legs. What am I to do?
(Wondering if it would wise to put a picture of mini skirt) Oh, what the heck!... Here ya go, guyz :

And this if you want to know how it is to feel distracted with all those mini skirts :
▲ ▲
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A scene at the BENCH..!
Today, as usual, I was sitting at the bench outside the library, doing what I always do - Calculus -when all of the sudden...
Dr. Habibah (Director Of INTEC Campus Section 17) sits down beside me. Apparently she was waiting for her driver, who was late in picking her up from the library.
So there she was beside me. Ironically she did NOT spot me at first [ I guess that proves I have atained invisibility =) ] as she sat with her back towards me. She was having a chat with a older student who was studying part-time at INTEC, a diploma in public relations if I am not mistaken.
Then she turned , which I think is to sit properly, and then she SPOTTED me. She was a tad bit surprised to see me there with the books and all. The following was my conversation with her :
Dr. Habibah : Oh, ..... hi.
Me : ... Good Morning.
Dr. Habibah : Are you a student here?
Me : Yes. I'm in the ADFP program.
Dr. Habibah : Oh, I see. So you're in the summer session now, right?
Me : Yeah.
Dr. Habibah : What subject are you taking?
Me : Calculus.
Then her driver arrives and she goess off..........
After 2 and a half hours, she returns to the library....
Dr. Habibah : You still here?!!!
Me : (Shocked) err... Yeah.
Dr. Habibah : You are not going inside?
Me : No.... I just went in there just now.... and I'm feeling quite cold now.
Dr. Habibah : You didn't bring a jacket with you.....?
Me : ....No.
Dr. Habibah : Well, when you're all warmed up, you can go back inside, right? (smiles)
Me : (Nods head slightly)
Man, this was my first time I'm meeting Dr Habibah face to face and I think now she thinks I'm some sort of a weird kid... Aiks....
I don't wanna leave the bench... Noooooo................
I guess I have a code red, ladies and gentlemen; a code red.
▲ ▲
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My New Computer!~!
First, on a more technical note, my new computer has :
- Intel Core duo (C2D) E5200 @ 2.50 GHz
- 2 GB of RAM
- 500GB Western Digital HDD [x2]
- Nvidia GeForce 9600GT 512MB
- 20" Acer x203H monitor
- LG Optical drive
- Edifier Speakers
- Cooler Master pc casing
- Windows XP PRO SP3
And to sum up all that number and codes, I am getting pure AWESOMENESS!!!! I can finally play all the latest games in maxed out settings. I just played Call of Duty 4 & 5 this week and the graphics were incredible. All thanks to my hardware that is =) Now i am playing Crisis : Warhead with resolution at 1600 x 900 + Gamer graphics settings. The game is still running smooth like silk. Haven't tried the highest settings yet 'cause I do not want to decrease the lifespan of my hardware.
Another thing that is great is the widescreen monitor. I was watching "How I met your mother" the other day and the whole screen was used. It was like watching in cinema. Darn... Now I have no more reason to spent the whole RM10 on movies anymore. WOOT!
And to be honest, the whole pc didn't cost that much. The computer + the monitor was at a combined worth of SGD 900. Convert it back to the ringgit and you get RM 2100. Not a bad deal I would say. Think 'bout it, normally in catalogs, a new computer will cost at least RM 3000. And those pcs are bundled with SHITTY specifications.
I don't know if its just me or is Singapore a cheap place to shop of stuff such as clothes and tech stuff. I even bought my handphone from Singapore and it was WAY cheaper. Don't believe me? Well I bought my handphone for SGD650 or RM 1495. On the other hand, at the same time, the same phone cost RM 2250 at a shopping mall in Johor Bahru. (both were Original phone by the way).
I dunno about you guys but Singapore is great place to get lots of stuff plus there is a wide variety of things at Singapore. I supposed that is the reason the selling point of apartments, condominiums, hotels and houses here in Johor Bahru is that its 5 minutes from Singapore. LOL.
Johor Bahru is great because there is Singapore. Sounds wrong but totally true.
Anyway, enough 'bout Singapore. i HAVE TO talk about my new computer. After all, that is what the title is all about. Unfortunately, I have to return to college tomorrow, leaving behind this superbly magnificent but monstrous pc behind at home.
Well, better get back to more gaming to make up for lost time.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
After 1 month..
Well, I still can't decide what to write for this post. Should I write about my new computer? Or perhaps about Friday 24th, the day 'independence'? Or maybe just write about my experience on this new semester? Hmm... I think I''ll pick choice number 3.
The Spring Semester does not really give me much to talk about. It was about 4 months long. Most of the time, I was worrying about the Calculus quiz next Wednesday or the Speech that I have to prepare or that Song that I have to practice singing. I really didn't have the time to really digest what was really happening around me this semester.
Throughout this semester many people are sitting down outside the library. Though these people come and go, there is 1 couple who has been sitting on the bench where i normally sit. While i understand it is public property, I always understood that all students (except me) in INTEC preferred going into the library. Have I been mistaken? Also, in January, I used to love staying back late at night in INTEC because there was usually no one there. I used to walk alone in the library with no one to disturb me. But the annoying thing is, the number of people in the library at night kept on increasing. Was it because the exams were getting near? People who usually detested staying back, were suddenly at the library everyday.
Thus, this made my stay backs at the library pointless and fruitless.
Another thing i observed sitting outside the library is that most students at INTEC are not able to be alone. Most students are always with their friends, in the study groups or sitting down together. Sometimes, these people will sit on the bench where i usually sit and have the lonely look on their faces. They will take out their phones trying to be invisible as much as possible. When their friends show up, they have a big smile on their faces and walk away...together. Sometimes, people asked me ,when i am on the bench, if I am waiting for someone. I guess they assumed that everybody has a group. Well, I don't and it doesn't bother me at all.
During this semester I think people have somewhat accepted me sitting outside the library though i don't think they will ever understand why i do it the first place. Me, on the other hand, can never ever understand why people always condemn me for sitting outside the library. All my friends, classmates are like Why you sit here? Why you dunwan to go inside? WHY? WHy? WHY?
I say to them WHY NOT? They become speechless. After 5 seconds, they come with "cuz there is air-con" whats so great about aircon, i say. If i go in the library, I wouldn't be able to see the beautiful sky and fell the great breeze outside. I can never understand hoomans.
Well, thats it from me for now. Hopefully, I will be able to understand hoomans better. Take care everyone.
▲ ▲
Saturday, February 28, 2009
10 reasons... Maybe more... *sighz*
Good day!
Today i have compiled 10 reason that has proven the geek in me... here, let me show you :
1. I listen to geek music.
I really, really like techno and trance music. But, only geeks or ,worse, ah bengs listen to them. Oh! don't know what is techno and trance music? Ever seen a modified kancil zooming down the road, blasting that horrible noise that goes *thump**thump**thump*? Well, that the music i love. Countless of people i ask have no freaking idea that is this music about, much less like it. Well, thats reason No. 1. No. 2 is ....
2. I like the internet a little too much.
We all know the internet is great place. We get to know lots of stuff -- cooking, sewing, hacking, making C4's and of course blogging. (Like what i am doing now!) But, in my case, I beginning to see the internet as a real world. I take the internet too seriously and i believe that the internet is serious business as in anything on the internet is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Only geeks do that, right? Well, No. 3 is....
3. I can't speak properly.
I must confess that i have a speaking problem. I have no idea why but i get too excited or nervous or anxious when speaking, As a result, I'll speak tooooooo fast and mumble, jumble and eat my words up. A problem that i trying to cure everyday. Unfortunately, as much i as a try, the problem will still be here to stay for awhile, so i still am having problem speaking. Thus, i stay away from talking to people if i can. Less talking, less misunderstanding, less problem. Right?
4. I am a coward.
From my previous reason, you can see i am running away from talking to people. I am a coward and i can't deny it. You know what is my phobia? Everything and anything is this universe. Geeks run away from problems they can't handle. No. 5 iz....
5. I walk on the path of a loner.
Since i can't speak properly, I became a lone ranger. I became anti-social. I try countlessly to google how to start a conversation but implementing the theory is easier said than done. Therefore, I try to avoid people as much as I can. I always sit away from a crowd so that i won't meet anybody(Like sitting on the bench outside the library or in the grass outside the library) Sigh.... geeks are anti-social and so am I.
6. I can't speak to girls.
Dissapointing indeed but i can't help. Everytime i wanna speak to a girl i get nervous. Add the fact that I mumble my words and you have me, a person who always embarrasses himself infront of a pretty and hot girl. Geeks have this problem; I am a geek.
7. I am an internet addict.
Similar to No. 2, just that I want to emphasize that I can't live without the internet. Sometimes i wonder what i am going to do if there wasn't anymore internetz in the world. Hmm.. maybe I would give myself a quick and painless death, if possible =_="
8. I like anime.
In japan, people who are addicted to anime, manga (Japanese comics) and figurines are called otaku -- geek. I AM addicted to those stuff. ok, maybe not figurines but i still watch a lot of anime from time to time and read a few manga here and there. No. 8 adds to my geekiness.
9. I hate social networking websites.
I can't seem to find the reason to use them. Is to get scamed? Is it to see naked pictures of girls?Is it to waste (precious) bandwith? Facebook, friendster, myspace, twitter... I am baffled.
10. My homepage is a technology website
Unlike other people, who puts entertainment websites or sports website as their homepage, i put a technology website as my homepage. Now, how geeky is that?
Update : 11. I'm afraid of girls!
Due to certain terrifying, horrifying, anxious and furious experiences I had that involves girls, I try to keep a distance from THEM. Also, i think all girls are scary. =(
And there you have it... 10 reasons ( maybe more ) why i am a geek.
Good day!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I saw a cat.
Is that LOL or what? Aren't there any cat style in intercourse? Heck even elephants do doggie style. I saw that in a biology textbook. Let me warn you that picture really, trully, completely scared the living day light out of me.
So, what i am trying to say here is, Doggie style should not be called doggie style anymore. It should be called unversal style, just like universal solvent or universal donor.
Lastly, just to tell ya, after the cats stop bangin' ,the ( i think) female cat started the rub her body all over the road. I believe she was super horny and even wanted the male cat to continue. But the male just sat there, looking dumb. Hmm.....
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Kolej Cendana : The Breakdown III
Self-explainatory, right? Geez! Anyway, you can get taxi, public buses, and the INTEC bus from here. For the public bus, only T602 comes to this bus stop. [side note: T = tempatan]
The Nursery
The Police Station
Balai polis seksyen 6. What more can i say? Sometimes, you'll see patrol cars in the areas. However, I can still hear mat rempits loud and clear. he..he..he. But, you can lodge a complain if you receive a mishap or whatnot.
Other than being a petrol station for filling up your car/motocycle/bla/bla, this PETRONAS has the only ATM machine in seksyen 6. Has maybank and a shitty CIMB ATM machine for your moolah.
There is a row of shophouses about 5 minutes walking distance from the hostel. There you will find :
A) Dawood
It is a mamak stall + a malay stall at the side. Serves typical mamak food [tosai, nasi goreng, mee goreng, roti canai, tandoori, naan, etc] Has nasi campur too. But I extreamly hate it!!!!!!!!!!!Why you ask? 'Cause :
- The food is expensive. I am not the type who saves every single penny and drinks water for lunch. But I still consider the food darn expensive. Furthermore, the food is just.... so-so.
- Not only that, after awhile I get utterly bored with the place. I even get sick after eating all the fried stuff. [I not very strong... *boo-hoo*]
B) The Mini-Mart
This is the place where you buy all your household items and groceries. For instance, you might buy bread, drinks, water, newspaper, pens, books, A4 paper, test pad, brooms, dustpan, bowls, etc, from here. BUT, like Dawood, the prices are exorbitant. Over-priced. However, there is no other alternative in the area.
C) The Doby
This is where you can get your clothes wash...with some money of course. (lolwut?) Service is great and you can get back your clothes in about 1-2 days all washed and smelling clean. Weeee~
The Surau
The Internet Cafe`
Ah... my favourite place [i think...] in this entire area. I am an internet addict. Woot! The speed in the internet cafe is fast; there is no restriction whatsoever, but of course there are some rules. but......... rules are meant to be broken, right? <.<
The Scary Path
I know this just MY opinion, MY feeling, MY phobia. Its just beside the hostel. *Shiver* *shiver*
That is all for now. I will upload more pictures as I go along. 'till then I bid you farewell and All the best. This is end of my trilogy of "Kolej Cendana"
kolej Cendana : The Breakdown II
I will break this useless compound into 3 parts :
- Utilities
- Sports
- Entertainment ( Don't get your hopes up =_=")
Kolej Cendana has a front office for all its students needs. For instance, students will have to go to the office to register, re-register, make a complain about the room or the kolej, submit their key when after room clearance and whatnot. And the usual office hours apply; 8am -- 5pm
Besides the office, Kolej Cendana has a room to wash clothes. 2 washing machines are in the room, and no they aren't hi-tech. My roomate uses the washing machines and sometimes they breakdown. Moreover, the washing usually takes about 30 to 40 minutes because the water pressure here is low. But you can do it the manual way; that is to pour in water yourself into the washing machine. me? I don't wanna create more work, so I use the laundry service [which i'll explain next time in more detail].
Not forgetting the food van that come everyday except Fridays. It sells nasi campur, nasi lemak,nasi ayam, some snacks and a few flavoured drinks. Try to like as it is one of the 3 food sources that is available here. (Ha Ha ....*sob* *sob*)
Here are some random pictures that I took out of pure, unadulaterated boredom.